City Revitalization and Improvement Zone

The Lancaster City Alliance oversees the City Revitalization & Improvement Zone (CRIZ), a program to encourage development and revitalization in Lancaster City. The CRIZ is approximately 130 acres in Downtown Lancaster and in selected areas in the remaining parts of the City. The CRIZ program works by allowing certain state and local taxes to be provided to the CRIZ areas to help finance redevelopment and new construction opportunities.

The focus of the Lancaster CRIZ Program is on the development of vacant and underutilized properties within the City. The CRIZ Act provides that qualified state and local tax revenues may be used for payment of debt service on bonds or loans issued for the acquisition, improvement and development of qualified capital improvements within the CRIZ. The CRIZ Authority has developed a set of guidelines to assist businesses, developers, and other interested parties who may be interested in seeking financing from and through the CRIZ.

  • Get a quick CRIZ tutorial here
  • View CRIZ map here


See the positive impact CRIZ has on the City


CRIZ Small Business Financial Assistance Fund

To apply for CRIZ financial assistance and to receive more detailed information about CRIZ - click below.

Questions About the CRIZ, including whether your business and/or property is located in the designated CRIZ Zone?

Marshall Snively

Acting Executive Director, Lancaster CRIZ Authority
(717) 394-0783

Deana Zosky

Lancaster CRIZ Authority’s Compliance Contact
(484) 951-1289