Beaver Street Initiative Approved for State’s Neighborhood Assistance Program Support
Engage Lancaster
Last created in 1993, an updated version of the City’s Comprehensive Plan has been highly anticipated among City residents, businesses, organizations, and developers. The Plan will guide the City’s future development and will inform developers and stakeholders what is important to our community. It will address important areas such as essential infrastructure needs, housing, transportation, public health, and parks, among others.
The City of Lancaster welcomes your engagement in the planning process, and hopes you will participate by logging onto to “Engage Lancaster,” Lancaster City’s online engagement platform. You may register for “Engage Lancaster” via the following link: https://engage.cityoflancasterpa.com/en/
Lancaster City Alliance has partnered with the City of Lancaster to provide guidance during this planning process. Comprised of City residents and businesses, Lancaster City Alliance’s Neighborhoods Executive Leadership Team (ELT), served as a sounding board for selecting the consultant that will ultimately create the plan. Additionally, Lancaster City Alliance will be promoting opportunities for the community to engage in this process with the City’s hired consultant team.
The planning process will continue to unfold over the next 16-months, culminating in the creation of a policy document to shape City growth over the next 20 years. Special attention will be paid to ensure alignment with Lancaster City Alliance’s economic development and planning efforts. To ensure that the new Comprehensive Plan works synergistically with existing plans, the consultant has been provided the Building on Strength for review.
Additionally, to support this process, grant funding of nearly $170,000 comes from the generous contributions of the following partners, including:
- Partners for Places, a project of the Funders Network
- High Foundation
- Ferree Foundation
- Urban Sustainability Director’s Network, Equity Diversity Inclusion Fellowship